Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Oklahoma!

Rodgers & Hammerstein’s 



If you have ever dreamed of performing on stage, we encourage you to audition for YOUR chance to perform in our upcoming workshop production of the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic musical, OKLAHOMA!

To read about what makes OKLAHOMA! such a wonderful show to be part of, please check out these links from the Oklahoma Historical Society and  If you happen to be a musical theater student, are pursuing a career in dance, or simply enjoy performing, this is certainly a great show to have on your resume!


The cast of OKLAHOMA! is limited to approximately 25 actors.  
Sign up for your audition today!

Audition Information

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for Timeless Theatre’s production of the Rodgers and Hammerstein classic musical, OKLAHOMA!  Please review all of the information below.  If you have any questions, contact us via email at You will receive an answer within 24 hours.

Timeless Theatre is seeking to fill all roles during this in-person audition process.  The audition process is closed to the public.  Timeless Theatre is looking for kind, hardworking, talented and considerate actors, dancers and singers who can fully commit to helping to bring this beloved musical to the Timeless Theatre stage.  We are so excited for you to share your talents with us!

Audition Application

PLEASE NOTE:  There is no audition fee required to audition for this Timeless Theatre production; however, once final casting is over, all company members are required to sign a performance contract and pay a small Production Fee (See Information for details). 

Are you ready to sign up for an audition?  The process begins by:

  1. Submitting an Audition Application
    • If you would prefer to fill out your application by hand and email, you can find a printable form here

  2. Submitting a headshot via email to
    • Put “headshot” in the subject line and please include your name and role desired in the e-mail.

  3. Submitting a resume of your acting/dance/vocal experience (if you have one) via email in PDF format to
    • Put “resume” in the subject line and please include your name and role desired in the email.

  4.  Submitting a vocal audition video submitted via
    WhatsApp to 954-839-0453.  
    • When sending, please caption with your name and role desired.

  5. Make sure that you have the WhatsApp app in your phone; not only will you be submitting your video via WhatsApp; we will also be using it for basic communication along with email.

Vocal Audition Video Instructions

Begin your audition video with a short introduction, including your name, role desired, and age.  Whether you are interested in a particular role or in performing in the ensemble, you will sing a song from OKLAHOMA! for your vocal auditionPlease sing for a minimum of 1 minute or sing the entire song if you like; whatever you choose, be sure that your vocal submission highlights your singing ability.  Please submit one song only, and no acapella auditions are permitted.  You may choose your own track to use (these can be found on or on websites for purchase). Your track must not include any additional voices or backup vocals.  When recording your video, please film from your waist or shoulders up (not full length) and perform in character.  No one else should appear in the video. In addition, please use a neutral background such as a plain wall.  Only the audition panel will view these videos; they will be deleted upon completion of the casting process for your privacy. 



There will be one more in-person audition date before casting is finalized.  Saturday, January 4th, 2025, beginning at 10am.

You will receive an email with your time slot and the audition location In Southwest Ranches, Broward County FL.

Please contact us for your audition time slot!  If for any reason you cannot audition on the above date, contact us for an alternative audition option!

ACTING AUDITION:  The in-person audition consists of a cold read of a section of the script.  If you have a special skill that is a plus for this show, (such as Will Parker’s lasso/rope tricks, gymnastics, etc) this is also time to show the audition panel what you can do!  At the end of the audition, you may be asked what would be your second choice in terms of roles; have an answer, even if it’s to be in the ensemble and not have a particular role.

DANCE CALL:  Come dressed for movement if your desired role requires a movement/dance call.  If you are not interested in auditioning for a particular role and only wish to be in the ensemble, only the movement/dance call is required.  Dance calls will take place immediately after the cold read.


There will only be callbacks if necessary; you will be contacted via phone if one is required. You may be asked to sing/act with another person in a callback; also, the panel may want to see you audition for a different role. Callbacks may consist of a vocal performance, dance/movement call and/or a cold read from the script, depending on the role. You will be given the requirements of your callback when you are notified and given time to prepare. Not receiving a callback does not mean you didn’t get a role. Location for callbacks TBD.  


You will be notified of the final casting results as soon as the process has been concluded.  We are only casting about 25 performers for this production of OKLAHOMA!  Anyone not cast in the show will receive notification as well.  Please note that you may be cast in a role you did not audition for; the panel can often tell from your audition what other roles you may excel in.

Our ensemble is absolutely essential for the show; this “… group of supporting entertainers, as actors, dancers, and singers, in a theatrical production” contributes to the richness, texture and emotion of the show.  It’s so awesome to be part of for many reasons, including the following:  

  • Playing multiple characters: Ensemble members get to play a variety of characters, rather than just one. 
  • Making friends: Ensemble members often form strong bonds.
  • Choosing your character: Ensemble members get to create their own character from scratch.
  • Working together: Ensemble members work as a team to support each other and accomplish tasks together. 
  • Being featured: Ensemble members may be featured vocally and/or dance-wise in numbers.
  • Moving set pieces: Ensemble members often move set pieces and handle props.

Read more about why it’s awesome to be part of the ensemble by reading this article on the Kerry Hishon blog:

Because of our limited cast size, it is impossible to cast everyone who auditions. Please do not ask why you were not cast in a show, as we are unable to provide audition critiques due to time constraints. If you are not chosen for this production, please audition again in the upcoming season. All upcoming production and audition dates will be available on our website at 


Upon cast announcement and upon acceptance of their role/spot in the ensemble, each company member will sign a performance contract and pay a mandatory production fee of $275 (more details below under More Information).  

Rehearsals with the full company will begin tentatively on Monday, January 6th, 2025 from 6:30-9:30pm.  Rehearsal location will be a dance school in Sunrise (subject to change).  Exact location will be on the performance contract.  See below for a schedule of planned rehearsal dates, Tech Week and performances.  If necessary, there will be a few weekend rehearsals when we are closer to performance dates.  The rehearsal schedule is driven by your placement in the show.  Timeless Theatre is committed to sticking to an organized weekly schedule.  Your time is very precious, and the Team will do all it can to make your time with us efficient, productive and FUN!

If the opportunity arises to further promote this production in our local community, some company members may be asked to make appearances in the local area prior to the performances.  This is completely optional.

Rehearsal and Production Information

Video of each week’s choreography will be posted on the WhatsApp chat for the Company’s reference and personal rehearsal time.  If any member must be absent for any reason, it is their responsibility to contact the Director or Stage Manager and review and learn anything that was missed.  Please ensure that your audition application accurately reflects any scheduling conflicts for rehearsals that you are aware of at the time of audition.  Carefully review the dates below for rehearsal and production:

Rehearsal Dates:  Mondays 6:30-9:30pm.  

  • Tentative Start Date:  January 6, 13, 20 and 27  
  • February 3, 10, 17, 24
  • March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
  • April 7, 14, 21, 28
  • May 5, 12, 19 (not on 26 because of Memorial Day)
  • June 2, 9

TECH WEEK/PRODUCTION LOCATION:  The 300-seat, beautiful Theater at the African American Research Library and Cultural Center located at 2650 Sistrunk Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311.  There is ample, free parking for all.

Please note that tech week rehearsals must fall within the open hours of the facility.  Schedule to come.


  • Tuesday, June 10
  • Wednesday, June 11
  • Thursday: June 12 (Full Tech/Dress Rehearsal)


  • Friday, June 13, 2025, 5pm
  • Saturday, June 14, 2025, 2pm

Production Fee & Additional Information

A PRODUCTION FEE OF $275 is required of all performers upon acceptance of the roles assigned.  You will be given an exact due date once the cast list is announced. This fee pays for the use of the performance venue, licensing, lighting designer, sound engineer, microphones, props and sets, etc.  There are no other fees required to participate in this production.  The production fee is non-refundable.  You can pay your production fee via Zelle.

Pay the production fee via Zelle®

Zelle® is a fast, safe, and easy way to send money directly between almost any bank account in the U.S., typically within minutes. With just an email address or U.S. mobile phone number, you can send money to people you trust, regardless of where they bank. More info on how Zelle works.

Pay via Zelle using the email

FREE BALLET CLASS:  This Production Fee also includes one free weekly company ballet class with Ms. Martha for all interested company members during the duration of our time together (January-May).  There are classes for more advanced dancers and additional beginner classes available for a small fee.

COSTUMES:  Company members are responsible for obtaining appropriate costume(s) for their role(s) as well as shoes and other accessories.  For this particular production, many costumes/accessories can be obtained at thrift stores, garage sales or in the family closet.  Timeless Theatre sometimes has some costume pieces/accessories that can be loaned to performers at no charge and will do so whenever possible.  All performers will be given information needed regarding costumes for their role(s).  Particular costume pieces may need to be ordered.

TICKETS:  We ask that company members assist with the ticket sales of this production by inviting family and friends to purchase a ticket. All tickets will be $20 General Admission (there will be special accommodations for those in wheelchairs and staff).  No tickets will be sold at the door.  More details regarding tickets to come.  

Want to help?  Company members are also welcome to assist in other areas of production such as props/sets, costuming, etc…just let us know how you’d like to help!

Character Descriptions 

(Please note:  for all characters, a midwestern/southern accent is a plus.  All are required to attend a dance call and submit a video vocal audition during the audition process unless otherwise noted.)

  • Laurey Williams, Female, Soprano, (16-20s) Female romantic lead.  She projects innocence, yet possesses an air of knowledge, wisdom, and maturity.  Laurey is in love with Curly but won’t admit it.  She lives with her Aunt Eller, who has raised her as her own.  Must be proficient in ballet.

  • Curly McClain, Male, Baritone, (16-20s) The romantic lead.  A cowboy with a confident swagger, he is considered the most handsome man in the whole county. He is in love with Laurey, but refuses to admit it. He is known as Curly for his curly hair. Dance ability is a plus.

  • Aunt Eller, Female, mezzo, (40+) A fun loving matriarch and everyone’s favorite aunt, she lives on the ranch with her niece, Laurey and a hired hand, Jud. She knows Laurey and Curly are in love and encourages it.  Some dance ability is a plus.

  • Will Parker, Male, Tenor, (16-20s) Comic, romantic lead.  A cowboy who is skilled enough to compete in rodeos, but not very bright as a person. In love with Ado Annie.  Ability to do rope tricks and tap dance is a plus.  

  • Jud Fry, Male, Baritone, (20s-30s) Described as dark and suspicious by others, Jud takes care of the ranch Laurey and Aunt Eller live on. Jud does not fit in with the society he lives with, misunderstood and seen by most as an outsider by the town.  He has feelings for Laurey. No dance call required.

  • Ado Annie Carnes, Female, Soprano, (16-20s) Andrew Carnes’ daughter, she “Can’t Say No” to anyone. Her heart is always in the right place, but she isn’t always the best judge of character. A comic, romantic lead, she has a flirtation with Ali Hakim, but deep down she feels connected to Will Parker.  Dance ability is a plus.

  • Ali Hakim, Male, (16-30s) Traveling peddler who says he’s from Persia (present day Iran). Though we aren’t sure how much of what he says we can believe. He is also an outsider in this community but not feared. He likes pretty things and women. He pursues both Ado Annie and Gertie Cummings. Vocal style is talky; please submit a section of the song “It’s a Scandal! It’s an Outrage!”.   No dance call required.

  • Gertie Cummings, Female, Alto or Soprano, (16-20s) From a nearby town, she has her eyes on Curly and is making no secret of it. She has a unique, loud, annoying laugh; will need to demonstrate this in the audition. May also be in the ensemble.  Dance ability is a plus.

  • Andrew Carnes, Male, Tenor/Baritone, (40+) A farmer and very protective of his daughter, Ado Annie. He doesn’t want her to marry Will Parker because he considers the cowboy’s life to be risky and unreliable. Has solo parts in “The Farmer and the Cowman” and “Oklahoma”.  Dance ability is a plus.

  • Ike Skidmore, M, Tenor/Baritone, Farmer, (16+) Owns the ranch where the Box Social takes place.   Has a solo part in “The Farmer and the Cowman” and “Oklahoma”.  Dance ability is a plus.

  • Fred, M, Tenor/Baritone(16-30s) A Farmer.  Small vocal part in “Oklahoma”.  Dance ability is a plus.

  • Slim, M, Tenor/Baritone (16-30s) A Farmer.  Dance ability is a plus.

  • Laurey’s Friends:  (16-20s) Dance ability a plus.  May be part of the ensemble.

  • Ellen, F, Alto/Mezzo/Soprano; Has a solo part in “Out of My Dreams”.

  • Kate, F, Alto/Mezzo/Soprano; Has a solo part in “Out of My Dreams”.

  • Virginia F, Alto/Mezzo/Soprano; Has a solo part in “Out of My Dreams”.

  • Vivian, F, Alto/Mezzo/Soprano; Has a solo part in “Out of My Dreams”.

  • Aggie, F, Alto/Mezzo/Soprano; Has a group singing part in “Many a New Day”.

  • Sylvie, F, Alto/Mezzo/Soprano; Has a group singing part in “Many a New Day”.

  • Armina, F, Alto/Mezzo/Soprano; Has a group singing part in “Many a New Day”.

  • COWBOYS:  (Age 16-30s) Dance ability a plus.

  • Cord Elam, M, Tenor/Bari/Bass Small vocal part in “Oklahoma”.

  • Mike, M, Tenor/Bari/Bass.  

  • Joe, M, Tenor/Bari/Bass

  • Sam, M, Tenor/Bari/Bass

  • ENSEMBLE:  All ages 16+.  Singing and dancing ability needed for the large group musical numbers.  Proficiency in ballet will be needed for some girls.  Laurey’s Friends, Farmers and Cowmen will be part of the ensemble.




Based on the play “Green Grow the Lilacs” by Lynn Riggs  Original Choreography by Agnes DeMille

OKLAHOMA! Is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of The Rodgers & Hammerstein Organization